Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

While, you're kids are walking around tonight, be sure to throw in some Spanish and French at each house! Though there is no actual Halloween in Spanish speaking countries, the literal translation for "trick-or-treat" is "truco o dulce"; and in french it would be "friandises ou betises".

Foreign Language House at released a cute song about fall harvest to go along with the music from Alouette.

French Version

La citrouille, voici la citrouille

La citrouille, ronde et orange.

La citrouille a deux yeux. La citrouille a deux yeux. (The pumpkin has two eyes)

Deux yeux. (echo)

La citrouille (echo)

Ohhhhhhh . . . .

La citrouille, voici la citrouille

La citrouille, ronde et orange.

La citrouille a un nez. La citrouille a un nez. (The pumpkin has one nose)

Un nez (echo)

Deux yeux (echo)

La citrouille (echo)


La citrouille, voici la citrouille

La citrouille, ronde et orange.

La citrouille a une bouche. La citrouille a une bouche. (The pumpkin has one mouth)

Une bouche (echo)

Un nez (echo)

Deux yeux (echo)

La citrouille (echo)

Ohhhhh . . .

La citrouille, voici la citrouille

La citrouille, ronde et orange.

Spanish Version

Calabaza, es la calabaza

Calabaza, es mi amiga! (Pumpkin is my friend)

Tiene dos ojos, tiene dos ojos (It has two eyes)

Dos ojos (echo)

Calabaza (echo)

Ohhhh. . .

Calabaza, es la calabaza

Calabaza, es mi amiga!

Tiene una nariz, tiene una nariz (It has one nose)

Una nariz (echo)

Dos ojos (echo)

Calabaza (echo)

Ohhhh. . .

Calabaza, es la calabaza

Calabaza, es mi amiga!

Tiene una boca, tiene une boca (It has one mouth)

Una boca (echo)

Una nariz (echo)

Dos ojos (echo)

Calabaza (echo)

Ohhhh. . .

Calabaza, es la calabaza

Calabaza, es mi amiga!


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