Thursday, September 9, 2010

1st week of classes off to a great start!

Hola / Bonjour!

This week in our language classes, we have had fun learning to say hello and goodbye to one another in the target language, learn how to ask "How are you" and to say whether we are good, bad or just okay! We have already been learning a lot of songs and playing games!

You can incorporate even the smallest amount of language into your daily routine... saying, "Bonjour!" when you pick your daughter up from school, "Gracias!" to you son when he helps around the house, "Adios!" when dad leaves for work, etc. Just by doing this, you are encouraging your little ones to become life-long language learners!

Please be sure that I have your email address since I will be sending out a monthly newsletter with resources and vocabulary lists for you to practice at home. You can email me at: to be sure to be added to the mailing list.

Gracias! Merci!

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